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geophysical systems
geophysical systems
geophysical systems
geophysical systems
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geophysical systems

Purpose: downhole measurements of apparent resistivity (AR)
of rocks by two laterolog sondes (of large investigation depth
LID and middle investigation depth MID)
Must to use with system control block "Б111"

geophysical systems

The basic technical parameters:

1.AR interval, ohm-meters: 0.2 - 10000
2.The error bound, no more +- 10 p.c. (%)
3.Diameter of device no more 75 mm
4.Stiff sonde length no more 6 Meters
5.Flexible sonde length no more 24 Meters
6.The investigation depth, M
-for LID sonde: 1.8
-for MID sonde: 0.8
7.Device weight no more 150 Kg
8.Max environmental temperature 120C (175C)
9.Max environmental pressure 100 (120) MPa
10.Time of using in Max environmental temperature
no less then 8 hours (3 hours)
11.The measurement velocity no more 800 M/h



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