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Write letter

Purpose: downhole measurements of the radioisotopes
concentration (potassium, uranium, thorium).
Must to use with system control block "Á111"

The basic technical parameters:

1.Interval of measurements, p.c.
-potassium 0,5 - 20
-uranium (2 - 200)/ 10.000
-thorium (2 - 200)/ 10.000
2.The error bound, no more +- 10 p.c. (%)
3.Diameter of device no more 75 mm
4.Sonde length no more 1.8 Meters
5.Size of the scintillation crystal 32 x 200 mm
6.Device weight no more 35 Kg
7.Max environmental temperature 120C (175C)
8.Max environmental pressure 100 (120) MPa
9.Time of using in Max environmental temperature
no less then 8 hours (3 hours)
10.The measurement velocity no more 150 M/h
11.Encapsulated gamma sources: Cz137