Ðóññêàÿ âåðñèÿ
Write letter

Purpose: downhole measurements of the angle and direction
of borehole deviation during a hole drilling.
Must to use with system control block "Á111"

The basic technical parameters:

1.Inclination measurement interval 0 - 180
2.Azimuth measurement interval 0 - 360
3.The abs. error bound
-for inclination measurement (IM): +-0.5
-for azimuth measurement (IM>3): +-1.0
4.Diameter of device no more 75 mm
5.Device length no more 1.8 Meters
6.Device weight no more 25 Kg
7.Max environmental temperature 120C (175C)
8.Max environmental pressure 100 (120) MPa ?
9.Time of using in Max environmental temperature
no less then 8 hours (3 hours)
10.The measurement velocity no more 400 M/h